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Prof. Laurent Ruhlmann (Group leader)

Research focus:

Investigation of electrode mechanism, interfacial electrochemistry as well as structure-properties correlations of nano-objects built up at the interface - Molecular electrochemistry - Spectroelectrochemistry - Photocatalysis - Photoelectrocatalysis for energy conversion


Current research:

- Electrosynthesis of polyporphyrin

- Photo-catalysis and photo-electrochemical properties of POM-Porphyrins hybrid materials

- Electron transfer mechanism. “Structure – Redox reactivity” correlation

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Dr. Antoine Bonnefont

Research focus:

Electrocatalysis for energy conversion - Interfacial electrochemistry – Electrochemical systems far from thermodynamic equilibrium


Current research:

- Addressable microelectrode and nanoelectrode arrays for the study of complex

electrocatalytic reactions.

- Photo-electrochemical properties of POM-Porphyrins hybrid materials

- Hydrogen electrocatalysis on Ni-based nanoparticles.

- Oxygen reduction on transition metal oxide catalysts

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Dr. Vasilica Badets

Research focus:

Electrocatalysis, biosensors, nanoparticles, analytical electrochemistry

Current research:

Electrocatalysis of CO2 and NOx reduction catalysed by polyoxometalates based materials: focus on product detection by DEMS

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Prof. Corinne Boudon (Emeritat)

Prof. Corinne Boudon a obtenu l'EMERITAT de l'Université de Strasbourg en 2019.

Thématiques de Recherche :  Electrochimie Moléculaire :

- Etudes Electrochimiques d’architectures porphyriniques et multiporphyriniques bio-inspirées.

- Relations structures-réactivité redox et étapes chimiques associées dans des édifices moléculaires et supramoléculaires hautement conjugués.

- Electrosynthèse de bis-porphyrines

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Dr. Julien Parmentier

Dr. Julien Parmentier est Maitre de Conférences à l'Institut de Science des Matériaux de Mulhouse - IS2M - UMR 7361 Université de Haute-Alsace

Mots clés de sa recherche

  • Synthèse de carbone par la voie soft-template

  • Carbone pour le stockage de l'énergie électrochimique

  • Nanocomposite carbone /métal et carbone/MXn (X-C,N,O,S)

  • Carbone à porosités contrôlées

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